Monday, February 28, 2005

28th Feb 2005

Today is e first day of sch. quite good. went for physics test. did all 5 qns and felt can get good grades this time. oh yar.. the class room's lights keep flckering and we had to do the test in darkness for a while before the tutor decided to draw open the curtain. then after that we had no mat sci tut. Yeah! on the way met jia and accompanied her to her tutorial class , before i accompanied wq down cos i met him there( i am so aimless then .. haha .. cos nobody to pei me..)then chatted wif wq and he left soon after his smoking.. and feeling very breathless due to 2nd hand smoke.. i went to buy a waffle cone to eat.. the cashier keep giggling.. cos she tot i almost slipped and fell.. nvm.. yesterday also the same... i went to fairprice to buy some stuffs.. and before i knocked down a stack of magazines... and the cashier is so bemused.. haha she kept trying to contain her laughter and she kept saying sorry for being so rude.. haha i was so paiseh.. always got such stuffs happening to me.. that is why i told Huiyu that i can write a book of all the stupid incidents.. sure bestseller.. anybody would like to help me write one?and went for the lec which i felt that my energy is zapped by the lecturer.. and feeling soooo tired. and today i and tinking of whether to close this blog.. but just a tot.. now i decided to keep it.. i wouldnt abort it no matter wat happens.. it is my "flesh and blood". then came home and tok on the phone for 2 plus hrs. din do any work. haha. AND TODAY IS 28th of FEB and is Hang Kwong's Birthday! Hope u will have an enjoyable year ahead and can be together wif the Princess of Bukit Timah soon!

Last day of recess

And today as usual after tuition went to KFC wif CG. it is always the same. then couldnt endure the we left to jalan and talked about warcraft at 800pm. CG asked me to blog a joke he told me today.. but i have forgotten what joke it is .. so i will blog it as * a funny joke by CG* which is quite funny , realli. haha. and yar today is a very sleepy day for us. zombie-ing ard .. anyway , wanna celebrate for kuang bdae tomolo.. but he said he is going out wif his classmates.. Qian Ni and the rest.. She is a nice ger anyway. i talked to her before.. very nice person.. Oops.. and so decided to take him out to eat on this sat.. maybe Kenny R.. prepare ur wallet.. guys.. we were all now toking the same thing in our respective blogs.. all missing our JC times.. cos that is an era of greatness , humanity, great display of fighting spirit, brotherhood, and good skills of gers spotting not forgetting endurance of heat from 12 noon till 6pm... all burnt out and burned out from bball.. and all the hawkering we went.. all the challenging we post to other stupid people.. like that damn Muscle man.. wanna kick him and stomp his head till his brain juice leak out.. and the super arrogant star.. nvm abt him.. he will migrate back to HK one day.. haha. damn him too. * very vulgar sorrie!* and the fengshan No 4. .. ghost.. dunno wat he smokes... haha.. ok realli.. nothing beats that period of time.. think will miss it till the day i lie on my deathbed.. and when ash is all that remains behind.. wah.. so eerie .. okok shall not frighten those timid gers out there.. haha.. anyway.. yar.. i wan to tell my A04 classmates.. I am not uncle OK! and i am not a color wolf.. ok! this is bad .. cos i am known as pig by all my frens.. haha no lar.. i am not that always looking out for young and pretty gers.. onli sometimes.. but think i rather good le wor.. didnt visit that site visited at Zhong's hse. haha. still rem that starhub dog.. so scary.. keep chasing me...luckily i can run then.. haha.. ok lar.. i am an old man trying to recapture my life now.. so pardon me.. haha.. "where is ah ma? boy come come.. ah gong hugz.. dear u must grow up to become good..."

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunday morning

Just woke up. later muz go teach QiHao. sianz.. but today is pay day! yeah. shhhhhh... haha feel better than last night.. most prob becos i am still not yet very clearminded now.. so i wont really remember all e bitter stuffs. ok today is a new start. hmm... wan to do finish my stuffs.. but there r SO many! oops.. and yar today chatted wif Broji online.. man .. he is fine.. now pursuing his accountancy certs and working at his dad's auditing firm.. so he is leading a fine life after drop out from NTU.. made a clever choice.. indeed.. life is better when u could get control of it and not the other way .. hmm.. i envy those people who made their choices and have their own aim in life.. and chose their way of life.. like broji and zuyao.. i couldnt find my aim though.. not even sure wat i wan to be in future.. to tell the truth.. i wan to be a singer.. haha i luv to sing.. but just realli don dare to pursue in tis industry as career. also like to draw ( artist).. like to entertain people ( i wan to be comedian once), wan to uphold justice ( policeman) , wan to swim in water everyday (lifeguard), wan to travel ard the world( not an occupation though), wan to play professional othello, wan to teach PE.. haha NOT BECOS I WAN TO SEE SCH GALS IN SHORTS but cos i like sports, but i dun like to teach subjects (PE teacher), but now i dun have such aims any more.. i just wan to live day by day.. i am afraid of looking into the future and PLAN.. this is a big mistake.. i know.. but i couldnt do anything abt it.. cos i intimidated by all the pressure presented to me when i think of my future life... all the financial stuffs..all the social interactions( i am not good at it) and the starting of a family(haha.. dun even haf a gf now) blah blah blah.. sigh. but cheers.. being able to live in peace in spore is always one thing i am glad abt.. cos u wont find a 2nd heaven elsewhere in the world nowadays. lol..cheers .. that is once i am this optimistic. haha. ok shall end here.. cheers once more for this beautiful sunday!


Today is a moody day for me.. i couldnt do anything.. now i realise that liking someone has its negative side. i couldnt concentrate and do my work.. i couldnt talk to frens in good temper.. even argue with Zuyao.. sorry pal.. bad mood.. liang too... didnt reply u... sigh.. wan to start afresh after this. Please try not to say abt that stuff anymore.. i cant take it anymore... i feel exhausted. i wan to go back to the past.. when things didnt get so complicated.. i hate growing up now.. i wan to becoming a kid once again.. when everthing is just work , play and looking forward to holidays. I couldnt get her off my mind..though i said i wan to.. but now i wan to convince myself here for my own sake.. cos this will never bring about any ending . it is impossible between us I WAN TO START AFRESH.. just me my bball frens and work. no more others.. i hope so.. i hope i can do so..
this 22nd year is no easy yr fo me..IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE MOST IMPORTANT YEAR IN MY LIFE! cos i see a lot of changes in myself..cheers for myself

Saturday, February 26, 2005


It finally rained today! But couldnt sleep.. cos was woken up by my HP.. got a headache so couldnt get back to sleep . read the papers. Zoe gave birth yesterday... hmm.. later must quickly wrap up my tutorials.. havnt do my formal report yet.. intend to copy others.. but this seems not rite.. cos i still got time till 2 weeks later... can do on my own ba..

Friday, February 25, 2005

Friday Night!

Just came back from mugging.. though i mug not very effectively. haha.. now my blog can be linked to Zhijia's and Zuyao's blog. All credits to Zhijia:) and so nice? think the blog is nicer than before.. haha.. i didnt really did much.. just write and write. ok.. went mugging at many places today.. went to lib mug.. though it was conducive there.. but it was REALLY VERY COLD.. air-con no need money one.. lib board.. and the lib in charge today is that librarian in TPJC last time.. called Michelle. yup she is the prettiest librarian ard.. haha so i remember her! now she didnt work in TPJC but the TRL. and so i leave the lib when i really cant stand the COLDNESS.. and felt hungry.. so went to KFC to eat sth and also starting mugging there. was very peaceful there at first.. when approaching 7.. chaos set in. i could hear the music even.. arggggg!!! there was a stupid gang of guys.. think they just nights out.. so rowdy. and vulgar.. damn it i wan to throw the tables at them and there were another grp of kids before them .. think in upper sec.. dunno wat possessed them.. esp the guys.. think is they r recruits.. keep shouting to each other "SIR!!" and the gals are so chatty.. a cacophony.. cant stand them. And i also saw Lena there! She was very friendly to come say hello.. quite surprised cos i didnt know her well.. haha she was with her friends... in the end decided to go to the trade fair to jalan.. went makan and jalan then went back to lib to read up.. cos i sweating.. so go back to the freezer again.. then after which went to central to jalan again.. very wu liao.. very slack.. and there is a gal who didnt look behind her before she called out" Mummy.." and i was rite behind her.. and she called me Ma.... i think it was funny so i almost burst into laughter in front of her.. she was left dumbfounded.. and i ran off.. so paiseh . on the way back i saw the beautiful moon i saw yesterday night.. remember not to point at the moon , u can try at ur own risk.. the jade rabbit will come to bite ur ears at nite..when u r sound asleep.. haha okok so lame.. shall stop here.

A Friday Morning!

Ok. had read the ZaoBao this morning.. had there is this accident over at Tuas. Do u all realise that recently , there were so many of such reports.. increasing accident number, crime rates, natural catastrophes, global unrests(eg terrorism). Hmm i am not sure is it becos is it becos nowadays information circulates ard very quickly due to advanced tech, or is it becos last time i was young and didnt read up was ignorant to such stuffs... or is it really the case where the problems are increasing over the years. Hmm.. think the world is becoming a increasingly chaotic place.. but there is still some light when i read about good people and their good deeds. In fact this actually do affect my mood and even perspectives. I think it does affect everybody, as everyone of us belongs to the society. But is there really a way to stop or reduce the bad happenings? hMM.. maybe one day when everyone goes to sleep at the same time.. then we will have 8 hours of perfect peace.. HAHA. good idea rite.. shall suggest it to the higher authorities. maybe can get a Nobel prize for peace. No lar.. come to think about it.. all the unrests exist all the while.. just that they are now becoming bigger in scale and we r more informed abt all their occurances.. so maybe all the while our surrounding had been like this.. haha. anyway it was quite warm these days.. everyone must take care of urselves.. dont become a sick cat.. i wont give u the fish..(wah wah wah)

Click Outing

Today went out wif the frens from NTU! Haha.. at first is expected 9 people.. but in the end only 7 turned up. Jun Wen and Lihui couldnt make it. and so me, WenQuan, JunZhao, Alex and Zhijia, with Huiyu and Anshu who joined us later, went to a cafe-restaurant in Esplanade called hmm California Bistron ba... not sure rite or not..ok lar the food is recommended by Jia.. so we all went there.. Junzhao left us early for some hall production things.. so the 6 of us tucked in for the food there.. hmm my appetite was great today.. couldnt feel full.. haha..(i didnt gapo others food though haha, others offered their unfinished share to me).. maybe i did too much econs before i went there.. so feel really hungry after thinking too much for the proj.. then we went ard the area to enjoy the nice night sceneries of Singapore! and Jia took a lot of pics wif her cam.. We keep cracking jokes all the way till we reached Clark Quey's Coffee Bean.. there we sat down to chit chat and took pics till ard 1030. Wha.. there r so many seafood restaurants and we were being approached on our way there to try their dishes.. next time WHEN I AM RICH then i shall go there.. I WANT to tell them that.. haha..
Think i really look older than the rest of my pals.. cos everyone said so.. and i also feel so.. sigh being too mature is also not good at times.. but i am young at heart.. and many people said that is childish.. piang.. but it is ok. haha anyway I am like this all the while.. didnt change since JC times.. so think i can mix ard wif the younger frens easily is also becos of this reason. Haha.. then took train back wif Yu and Jia.. and on the train i saw one guy i cannot stand the way he look at people.. so decided to change seat .. haha.. Well tomolo is a study day for me.. didnt study a lot for the past few days.. sian.. and hols is coming to an end so quickly! i want more of it! And thinking back abt today.. i am quite glad Alex and Wenquan came.. despite rarely seeing them. It is great that they spent the effort to come to meet up. Hmm think it is becos of Jia.. haha next time u shall organise all events.. cos they give u face.. haha.. LOL

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Holding a torch for someone

Ok.. got this fren.. haha he recently told us(me and other frens)(cannot reveal his identity) that he is holding a torch for a gal whom he everyday sees at his bus stop in the morning. And now he decides to approach her thru passing her a note. Hmm very daring move.. haha. well hope he will succeed .. anyway coming to tis topic.. i believe every of u should have/is having/had had this experience of holding a torch for someone before..(not literally).. personally i also have lah.. of cos! and is having.. bah.. shouldnt talk so much abt myself.. anyway can share abt ur stories in the tagboard if u all like to. oh yar except the centre-quality-point-guard-mentality-person.. u dont need to leave ur comment there.. cos i already know what u wanna say.." i meet my dear dear .... and i feel so depressed when she said NO.... and wanna kill myself by eating more and more till i explode"... rite? ahhaahahaha..

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Weird dream

Had a weird dream.. haha.. the dream goes like this.. hmm..was wif Zj and Jo and another person.. and when Zj wanted to drive us to dunno somewhere , i volunteered to take the driving seat. one weird thing is Zj agreed without hesitation(hey i didnt drive for 4 months plus le).. nvm.. took to the road.. surprisingly could drive so well... just mixed up the gear 3 and gear1 inside the dream.. (it is a manual car, cos i learnt to drive manual ones)and weird sia.. engine didnt die when i start off from gear 3.. and didnt even jerk haha.. then drive around . and the other weird thing is i couldnt differentiate between a pedestrian path and a road.. and drove on the path.. and all the roads in singapore lead us to dead ends.. and one part is i drove the car to a weird place where we must get out of the place.. and every movement we made will cause the soil beneath us to collapse.. so exciting. dunno lar.. this dream is quite real..and could see nice night sceneries on Spore roads.. enuff of the dream.. later must go study Physics liao.. frens dont laugh at my dream.k...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Dont forget frens when u r blinded by GF and See Ya Kester!

haha, back from tuition.. so funny just now.. i was teaching Qihao and both of us were very energetic at first...ended up both of us falling asleep... i almost yawned in front of him... so tired.. and can see he is dozing off.. shouldnt plan a nite tuition next time.. but no choice.. i wan a whole day for myself tomolo... so cant postpone the tuition to tomolo... anyway... The ktv session is called off cos Pinky is not going.. dunno y.. and my brother made brownies today.. but i dare not try.. haha .. hmm.. maybe next time will try when he bakes. Oh yar.. the title.. it is Kester's Msn nick today.. entirely targeted at Zuyao.. haha.. left us so early to go home and cuddle in bed.. what u trying to do Zuyao... dont do things in the wrong sequence, haha and Kester is going back to Aus soon. Aiyoh.. be happi ma.. can see Caucasian gals.. wha piang.. that is wonderful man! should be looking forward to it ba.. and the kangaroos.. all waiting for u.. haha.. ok lar.. since ur flight is 1150pm.. shall not be going to see u off.. actually plan to ask CG go wif me to see u off.. but so late.. sigh.. nvm.. shall bring back the good memories! and study hard there!

Morning at Orchard

Today woke up pretty early to meet Julin and company at Orchard for the proj. haha the 3 of us guys reached there ard 1005. Haha i keep telling them to be early.. cos she said that no late comer will be tolerated.. and she was the one to be th latest to come.. wahhh. anyway our discussions are pretty complex but produce result. after which we proceeded to BK to eat. was really HUNGRY. i upsized everything.. Muahaha.. and we wrapped up our discussion there. Meanwhile also chit chatted..haha oh yar.. met Fayyaz..wif a Caucasian lady.. dunno is it his Gf? Hmm.. haha.. shall not be so kepoh. After which, Yao Lin went to watch movie by himself.. and Julin went to the Chinablack for the pageant for night.. and me and Melvin went Far East jalan a while before i proceed back to Tampines.. was real tired.. slept on train and even when i reached Tampines.. i dun really wan to get off.. wan to continue sleeping.. and jumped out of the train at the last moment.. piang..then went to lib to sleep.. wah there are really a lot of China girls there today.. dunno why.. but i sleep my late afternoon thru.. and read up a little for the Physics test when i woke up.. Later at 8pm gotta go to teach Qihao.. wha.. hope i can last thru the 2 plus hours..

Thanks Zhijia!

Ok now my web blog is wif this new tag board! Credit to Zhijia, thanks! Haha. very nicely done. excellent excellent! okok enuff of compliment.

Monday, February 21, 2005

A Warm Month

It is really a warm and humid month. I woke up with sweating body.. just like after running. So woke up and slack ard.. chatted wif my bro till ard 3 pm before going to Bedok Lib to mug till ard 9pm. Nothing special happened.. and i feel good in this way. On my way back, i saw those vehicles exhibited in the Chingay Parade! Whao! Very nice.. but didnt have any device to take pics of them.. haha.. saw a lot families and couples there taking pics.

Doubt confirmed

Recently i am suspecting that my attention span is shortening and my memory is getting from bad to worse.. now can almost confirm my suspicion. I think i am forgetful cos i am always feeling tired .. not sure becos of what reason.. though i have a few reasons of why i am always so mentally tired. Sigh recently keep oversleeping for school.. this is not the way i am before.. haha overslept for soooo mqany lessons le.. the better ones are just half an hr late.. the worse ones are almost 1 and a half.. then nowadays so scared of waking up late.. must ask my frens to give me wake up call for the more important stuffs.. i feel so embarrass to trouble them.. sigh.. then today just realised i have forgotten to do my online tutorial, WHICH I HAVE REMINDED MYSELF THRU OUT THE WEEK TO DO! and i forgotten to do.. till today then realised.. but the deadline is over.. luckily it is not counted in the final result.. but it shows that i am in a bad state... everything seems to be evading my attention.. cant seem to remember doing them.. think must get a note book to keep track le.. else exams i can also forget to go.. later going to mug for physics.. COS I HAVE GOT TEST ON MONDAY.. ok must remember this... think wan to go airport this week.. hmm.. last time didnt see planes take off.. this time may go there see.. but must see my schedule too..

Sunday, February 20, 2005

2nd day of recess

Think time flies really fast during fun times.. haha it is end of 2nd day of recess le.. anyway today got up quite early and went to Bedok for basketball.. tot today is sat.. cos always played bball on sats. haha. anyway today is quite enjoyable.. though i was feeling pain here and there(due to some chronical problems develop in NS) ended ard 230. went to eat lunch and slack ard in Bedok area before deciding to leave... hmmm.. anyway today is probably the last time Kester is playing wif us befor he go to Australia. Then took 168 wif zhong and CG to Tampines.. where we abandoned zhong at TM.. Oh yar.. haha almost forget.. today we saw dear dear! Haha.. he bought her to the bball session.. and i didnt knew that.. heee then i keep teasing Zuyao "dear dear.. yao yao" hmm.. she was all the while behind me... i didnt know.. oops.. hope she wont bash up Zuyao for this small incident.. haha.. today was a gathering for so many of us since hmm... quite a long time since we started Uni life.. think army times are good times to meet up .. every sat book out .. sure go bedok cc to play.. Also miss the days in TPJC when we all played till ard 7 or 8 pm from noon.. haha.. now everyone is so busy.. wif work, Gfs,and some are overseas.. think all that r left will be memories...but life still moves on.. and we will meet new people.. like those nice people i have knew in NTU and also on court.. like liang and insurance guy.. haha.. transitional frens.. and they r points in our lifes ba.. i believe.. eventually.. onli a few frens will be by ur side when u have ur own family.. ur own life.. and things might be very very different from the relatively carefree life now.. well.. so much abt my tots.. think u do sometimes at some pt of ur life ponder over such issues..anyway, today saw my horoscope again..on the sunday Zhou Kan.. so accurate.. and it tells me not to lose a friend over small matters.. and i had some quarrelling wif Jo.. so i apologised to her.. hmm.. think frens r more important than pride.. and ego.. anyway..i am rarely egoistic..
ok back to today... ok so many people make it for today.. Kuang,zhong,jian,kester,zuyao,kiat,liang,CG and kuang's cousin and frens.. also saw Jo's bro there.. so qiao... haha. knew him when we gamble at her hse.a pity Ting,xiong and insurance cant make it..will be the New year reunion. since army day... then went to TM to meet up HL and Andy for LAN. Yeah played so many rounds till i almost dropped.. the auntie there was so nice to charge us lesser.. anyway we let her earn quite a bit over the 1 plus year. then went to buy the chicken snack.. (oops cannot eat that so freq.. now i am very fat..) then went ard jalan before i head for home.. CG was so tired.. he almost drop onto the ground.. then later must meet up wif Julin they all.. online lar to discuss the econs proj .. think my grp members r really onz and friendly people... like this grp .. ok shall weigh myself later.. haha.. hope i am not over 80 by now!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

1st day of recess

And today met CG and HK to go KFC to mug... whao i have forgotten that it is a sat.. there are so many students there... very lively... hahathen mug and tok and mug and eat and mug till 830.. then went off to eat economic meal at hawker. After which buy a lot of chocolate to stuff ourselves..prepared for tomolo's encounter.. FULL OF ENERGY. Hahaha ..but we realised one thing.. there is a fire i mean a BIG fire somewhere.. and a lot of fire engines are rushing to that spot... think it is a forest fire at Pasir Ris... and Tampines was so smoky.. i cant see 1km beyond me.. and we r grasping for air... HElp~~~... So we escaped to TM to hide from the bloody smoke. Not bad.. there we saw lotsa really good looking gals.. brighten MY day again... was not that good at first.. due to a quarrel wif Joanna.. dunno who is in the wrong now.. though i was wrong in the first place.. nvm.. HAhaha .. then went to open playground to sit ard.. and see the sch gers playing there.. so late le.. still playing there... and the smoke came wif us too.. and we chatted abt ZU ZU and his Dear Dear.. so disgusted.. so mushy and damn sticky... i mean i felt stickily disgusted yet funny .. BOY wake up ur idea.. no need to tell the whole world u and ur gf are sooooooooooooooo in love............ not i am jealous or wat... but can call her name in ur blog... oh my gosh... u will see how u will be dealt wif in the MSN... haha.. tomolo too if u come.. dear dear u till u cannot tahan.. haha. well i like to write LONG LONG blogs.. VERY VERY LONG ones like this.. and describe every small thing i encounter.. so if u feel u cannot stand it.. then pls visit the blog site lesser... haha.. i am sure meeting me is better than looking at the blog... man ... u will get stomachCRAMP.. ahha.. no lar..i am no clown.. just a normal and peaceloving person.. who terrorise many by my lameness.. anyway.. i am a serious person.

1st day of recess

This morning woke up and went to teach tuition at ard 10am.. before that joanna was persuading me to go for the UK funfair..but i was kind of scared of such adventurous rides... so i said i definitely will not go.. and she said that i am a lousy pork. PoRK?
pork... hmm.. ok.. i was getting more like a pork.. not a pig.. a dead piece of meat...hmm... interesting ..nvm..
then on e way down the lift after the lesson.. i saw this old lady whom asked me where i stay cos she never seen me ard b4.. so i told her i am a tuition teacher.. and she asked me whetehr i teach P4 kids.. i said yah.. and said i got lots of friends interested.. oh should just say i am interested.... that will close the deal faster.. anyway.. she said she will consider to get her grand daughter a teacher.. so i gave her my no. hope she will reply me soon! but come to think abt it.. she will prefer a ger to teacher her ger..nvm.. i shall be keeping my fingers crossed..
yeah later going to meet CH and HK to study.. hope can finish my maths later.. haa.. and oh yar.. just watched a show on CNA.. it is about gers and their bras and their boobs.. nice and interesting show.. i mean educational...and plenty of visual effects.. and i mean many.
well shall continue my ok day wif my maths.. sian.. did not do any stuff yesterday night... haha.. played LAN and slack ard Tampines Mall wif CG.. haha hopelessly slack...

Friday, February 18, 2005


Hey Hey Hey ! Everybody! This is our break week must buck up and at the same time ENJOY..

Today was a good day! Went to sch for lab. But i was late as usual.. and did the lab wif jia(and she said she jiang yi qi and did not do the lab wif Yiwen--i dont know this guy too well).And she was like doing the lab so fast today(pushing me to speed up too) and we finished the lab one and a half hour before lesson ended. Then went to Canteen A wif jia to join the people. We had our lunch.. and Huiyu suggested to play Zhong Ji Mi Ma. We were eat the looked-dirty-melon and drink up those mixed drinks which i am very sure will induce diarraeh. We played rounds and rounds and i was the onli person who didnt get to be forfeited and they were all not willing to let me go off like this.. so keep playing till the last round.. when i am left wif no 13 an 14. if i chose the rite no, zhijia will get to drink the mix.. if not i will drink it.. i wanted to choose 13 at first.. but in the end choose 14.. becos i think the setter might set it at 13 since it is a supposedly unlucky number. so i chose 14... but was WRONG! so i made up the excuse that i wanna save jia cos she already looks like puking even b4 drinking the mix.. haha .. must find a good reason for doing some stuff like drinking a mix which will bring me stomachache..

Thru out the lecture.. i am having discomfort.. cos there is too much gas in my stomache.. all thanks to my good BUDDY.. Buddy sia... all thanks to u .. Pinky... after which went home wif jia and chatted till she reached her station.. when i reached Tampines.. wanted to go home initially, but saw a fair there so decided to walk ard. then i went to lib to read up Focus (Yeah! i read 3 times this week on this month's issue!Very nice!). Did a sample test in the book.. and also founded 3 interesting websites.

Here they are

the first web is my favourite.. a lot of photos .. second one is a web for creation of face of people of the future.. 3rd is about A-bomb..

After which i left the lib and on the way.. saw this old man whom i have seen a lot of times before. He is always sitting at the door and looking at people... often for long times.. it seems that everything is changing wif time ard him, but not himself..hope i could also have the luxury to do so when i am old.. think can find tranquility within oneself...

Reached home.. didnt tell mom i wanna eat dinner at home.. got a scolding from her.. haha
later will be meeting wif HL and CG for LAN.. sorry Andy .. finger itch le.. next time will call u along!Well, the must awaited time has arrived.. YEAH CHEERS! but by the way... on the other note.. one which spoils my mood a little.. i will be having incamp training on May-June period..@@

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Feel Happy.

Haha.. feeling happy. heee. haha hohoho muahaha...

A tiring day..but tomolo is e last day before recess!

Hmm. today didnt oversleep. that is a good sign.. must buck up for studies le.Reached school for lessons, have lunch wif the people.., and after which had econs tutorial. Feel that i am lagging behind for a lof of subjects..hmm cos i am always late or missing lessons(overslept).. sigh... feel like a slacker i mean a real SLACKER now.. sigh... anyway, i will be putting my best into the next physics quiz.. so there is no excuse of a poor result for it! anyway,looking forward to the sunday's matches, but my finger is still injured..damn..must recover on time. This recess , i am having 2 projects.. one is the formal report, another is the econs project that i am doing wif Julin, Melvin and Yao Lin. Hope to complete the project soon, cos deadline is somewhere after recess.. Well, today saw Benny and he said that A-lau was quite disappointed that i didnt go for the gathering before he goes for Australia.. sigh.. nvm.. nothing could be done now. Wish him all the best there.. and dont he ever find an ang moh gf there and dump his gf in SG..whole platoon will wallop him up..And Kester will be back to Australia too the coming Wed. so i wish him all e best here.. hope we will enjoy tis coming Sunday together.. hmm Zuyao... dont neglect friends once u have found ur "dear dear~~" YUcks!! so mushy... piang....MUST COME FOR TRAINING THIS SUNDAY! time to lose weight man! haha . Anyway, also hope Zhong and Jian and Ting will come.. like a reunion gathering for the EX-TOON squad.Shall go for social prob lec now!! Yeah!!CHEERS!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Phew all over! I wanna badminton.

Today i woke up very late.. at about 810am. actualli got a lec at 830 but couldnt make it.. and after that 930 got social prob quizes. i got to the station at 820 and hoped to reach NTU on time for the tests. luckily the tests started late and i managed to rush into the rm to see everyone about to start doing the papers. haha.. ran from can A to south spine LT.. anyway after that went to can A again.. to have lunch wif Ruimin and Anshu. then went for the economics lectures in this sleepy afternoon.. almost fell asleep. But the lecturer was fast enuff to end the lesson 20 mins b4 time and i rushed off for home after which. But halfway, my earphones suddenly spoilt and i had to go to HN to buy a new pair of cool looking red-coloured earphones wahaha.. Reached home just now.. today saw a lot of nice-looking girls on the way. Such a happy day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Toughtest Over!

Today went to school at 7 plus. Whaa yesterdae nite slept at ard 2am to complete my series tutorial, tot it might come out, but in the end the test is onli on the first topic but the tutor asked us to study 3 topics! and the question is ermmm very simple. And because of that i forgo time to read up on life sci tutorials for the quiz. and arggg.. one or 2 of the qns came out exactly the same as that of the tutorial.. but i got them wrong , bcos i didnt read thru the tutorials... hack.. was quite upset that i lost such easy points. but it is the opportunity cost of studying for maths.. haha trying to console myself here. but overall still ok lar.. i got 32 out of 40 correct. well, tomolo i am going to have social prob test. must do well for it.. cos i really did very badly for the previous 2 tests.. today also went to celebrate for christopher's bdae but was late cos of lesson. then after which went home together wif huiyu.. while i was walking back home, realised these few days were getting very hot. unbearable.. haha bought ice cream on the way.. it was essential though i am 70kg now.. now very tempted to play badminton.. hmm shall ask meiying and people out soon again to play badminton soon. anyway recess is coming soon. looking forward to it. and this sunday's bball at fengshan is one which i am looking forward to.. haha. ok shall continue tomolo.. PS: those who wan to write comments , pls do so.. ok.. cos i have no message board here. lazy to make one.. asking jia to help me make one soon:)

Monday, February 14, 2005

You Complete Me

Today is Valentine's Day. Haha suddenly remember the history of this day.. but somewat very vague.22 V days had passed for me. Seems quite a meaningless day to me till recent years. Ok the title" U complete Me" is just a Vday special.. no special meaning. haha.. and today just told Zhijia that a blog is one that is kept to oneself, while she rebutted that it is meant for others to see. While i did let other frens see my blog already, but think that the correct attitude of writing a blog is to treat it like a personal diary and keep to only oneself. Well. i didnt keep to my principle. haha i always doesnt. i always say one thing and do another. That is me. My closer frens know i am like this. And today is starting of school after the lunar new year weekend. Anyway, just heard a news that a Siamese twins is coming to Mount Elizaberth Hospital for treatment. All the best to these little ones! Well shall go play some games first.. and realli look forward to the recess this coming week!!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

A sunday, v day eve

Today is an easy day. Slacked thru the morning... but one bad thing actually happened.. my com is down wif virus. and this stupid virus keep autosending to others... sorry about that everybody! i also doesnt mean to do it.. i am a victim too.Luckily, Lai Yee could help me solve the prob thru phone and the virus was annihiliated from my com very soon. Damn the virus! waste my time to do homework. After which i went to meet CG to mug at KFC. Mugging is never fun.. but with a fren i do feel much better.. and somemore.. today i saw a ger whom would onli appear in my dream... but didnt approach her. haha.. no courage.. but she did look at us from time to time.. think i was too obvious when admiring her.. oops!! We mugged till around 830 when i could take it any more.. so decided to go walk ard before going home. Well ,bought my presents for v day today and we ate some brownies(Yummy!) haha.. then we took a stroll back to my hse and chatted on the way. Then CG went to 201 to watch the Manchester debut. A nice and slack day.. with so many works to do..wasted. shld go east coastt to cycle.. haha. well maybe next time ba..

First time first blog

No good english here. Not all r revealed to u all. Just wat i wan to remember. so do i wan u all to read. read thru some ref from other frens, think it is somehow like an essay of " ALL ABOUT MYSELF". haha kinda of close to heart activity. a good listener to hear out wat i wan to say just before sleeptime. Today is a slack day for me. wake up , go for basketball at fengshan. Hang kwong n rest r battling out wif the Big Bad Guys, while i am playing ABC wif the girl. I lost. and she won. it is ok. i dun feel degraded losing to a girl. Hk and gang wanna go off le.. but i sensed that we dont derserve to leave with e taste of defeat. decided to shame them. Take them on for a 5 on 5. we won. i luv the taste of victories. stamina and teamwork are our fortes. They shouldnt be so arrogant after winning those half courts matches. This serve as a lesson for them. But i admitted i was super lame on court. keep thrash talking to the opponents. haha. like to see their bewildered looks. Then went to BK at bedok central to fill our stomaches... have AAR there. lasted till ard 445 and went to lib. there i took my wt. the damn machine is not well calibrated!! i weighed 70kg on it! i admit i was getting rounder, fatter.. haha.My mom also told me before that i was getting plump. Sigh... then went home before going to the tamp lib to study. like the quite environ at nite in the lib after 7pm on sat . so nice a feeling. always feel good then. then decided to talk a slow walk home.. tomolo there isnt tuition cos my kid is going to his aunt's hse for cny visiting. will get CG wif me to KFC to mug again. And ya.. yesterday went out wif Huiyu, Anshu and Junzhao. A nice day wif them at Kpools,sakei sushi and swensens.. where we chit chat and played lame jokes on one another thru out. haha. too bad Zhijia couldnt join us. haha. She was another joke yesterday at the lab. but feels good that at least there is a person ard to talk to. ok shall continue soon.. dont miss the next episode