Sunday, February 13, 2005

First time first blog

No good english here. Not all r revealed to u all. Just wat i wan to remember. so do i wan u all to read. read thru some ref from other frens, think it is somehow like an essay of " ALL ABOUT MYSELF". haha kinda of close to heart activity. a good listener to hear out wat i wan to say just before sleeptime. Today is a slack day for me. wake up , go for basketball at fengshan. Hang kwong n rest r battling out wif the Big Bad Guys, while i am playing ABC wif the girl. I lost. and she won. it is ok. i dun feel degraded losing to a girl. Hk and gang wanna go off le.. but i sensed that we dont derserve to leave with e taste of defeat. decided to shame them. Take them on for a 5 on 5. we won. i luv the taste of victories. stamina and teamwork are our fortes. They shouldnt be so arrogant after winning those half courts matches. This serve as a lesson for them. But i admitted i was super lame on court. keep thrash talking to the opponents. haha. like to see their bewildered looks. Then went to BK at bedok central to fill our stomaches... have AAR there. lasted till ard 445 and went to lib. there i took my wt. the damn machine is not well calibrated!! i weighed 70kg on it! i admit i was getting rounder, fatter.. haha.My mom also told me before that i was getting plump. Sigh... then went home before going to the tamp lib to study. like the quite environ at nite in the lib after 7pm on sat . so nice a feeling. always feel good then. then decided to talk a slow walk home.. tomolo there isnt tuition cos my kid is going to his aunt's hse for cny visiting. will get CG wif me to KFC to mug again. And ya.. yesterday went out wif Huiyu, Anshu and Junzhao. A nice day wif them at Kpools,sakei sushi and swensens.. where we chit chat and played lame jokes on one another thru out. haha. too bad Zhijia couldnt join us. haha. She was another joke yesterday at the lab. but feels good that at least there is a person ard to talk to. ok shall continue soon.. dont miss the next episode


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