Thursday, June 30, 2005


Phoned up the CC opposite Sengkang for a administrative job recommended by Zhao Hong.
But the in-charge there said they r looking for people doing temp job of at least 6 months and not part time(she said maybe elsewhere's CC r looking for part time), and that a month is too short. so i gave my details and my bro's anyway, since my bro grad and is currently looking for job too. and the in-charge told me that they prefer people introduced from the agencies. anyway the job for tutoring a pri sch kid that i've accepted is also gone, as they found someone who can teach in the morning liao.. so that means lesser income for me.
and that actualli means i will be slacking for the rest of my hols.
actualli think abt it, it is ok lar.. i can take my IPPT in July then. and can teach tuition on weekdays for QiHao.
so slacking ard must have its own meaningful and fulfilling way from now onwards till sch reopen, as misty said. so maybe i can concentrate on sports.
yay later gg to play at bball. maybe will meet some ah bengs. but who cares.. they always want to fight, but shall ignore them lar..
ok, gg to meet HL to get movies from him, hahahaha.. and this will mean more meaningful times ahead in the coming few days.

GPS 6/6

just sort of confide in misty, cos having been feeling kind of down and depressed.
and she accurately pinpoint the problem just by asking some question. not even myself knows the reason why i am feeling lousy, onli after she told me abt the problem behind and she even suggested a solution to me. and i think that she is right after all. the solution may be the key to solve the problem. but then, it is not easy to find the right solution.

and thanks kwong for being there for me in a lot of occasions. so lucky to know u all(the bball gang) . To JunTing: maybe kwong and Cg are always my immediate frens, but i dun see u far behind them! feel bad after u said u ranked 4th, u know, when i went to ur sch last week)

and today, what we did? played badminton wif my classmates of pri sch, Jean and Aloysius (wif jean's fren). it is not amazing that me and aloy still keep in contact cos we r best of frens in Pri sch.. but Jean is ! cos i am realli scared of her in Pri sch, but somehow, we met up in sec 2 in the most unexpected situation in the lib.. and since then, we remained in contact till now.. glad indeed. never ever expect myself to be in contact wif her till now. anyway we went out a lot of times before le.. but then today suddenly have a lot of tots.

we chatted for almost 3 plus hours, before departed wif Aloy sending me back home. and then all the while i am using the com.. Zhao Hong approached me to intro a Sengkang CC job to me.. i wan to take it up. intend to phone the cc tomolo. see how things go . . . . ..

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A lot like love

maybe i am not a critical movie-goer, or i dont hold high expectation when i went for ini d and A lot like love, i think that these 2 movies r way above my expectation. i am very satisfied with this 2 movies.
maybe in life, if i dun see things as seriously or take things too hard.. i may be a lot happier than now. i am not saying i am unhappy at the moment, in fact i am grateful for what i have now.. but, i think that i may be just a very different person now if i am a more relaxed person who is contented wif wat i have.
anyway, from A lot like love, there is this part which i have an impression:" Life doesnt wait even if u r down on ur feet". and the story depicts how a well-planned life may be ruined by the plan itself if failure sets in, and the main cast almost cant get to be with the love of his life. chance comes by once, and if u didn't catch it, u will never catch it. and at the end of the show, i was feeling quite touched, and certainly enjoyed the show wif xin,wx and hanlip.
now having a slight sore throat from the singing in the aftenoon. that is clear that i have forgotten cleanly how to use my diaphram to project my voice. my choir trainings r wasted..
the enjoyable day started wif lan wif cg, hl and wx. hmm.. won hl and wx, but dare not celebrate in front of hl.. cos he seemed bui song(hahaha). next time i'll use this hero again.. maybe u can tackle the great combi.=)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


just watched initial d wif joanna and cg at princess. first time to watch in princess, but think it is pretty good. and the show was in fact over my expectation, so i am very glad wif it. the story is packed and it didnt realli dragged or rushed in the plot. just the right pace. and think the actors and actress fitted the roles. the sound tracks r good, and sound effect r not bad. overall i will give 4.3/5.
and yesterday cycled at ECP again.. so now my knees r a little bit weak. maybe is the increasing wt too.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Kester is back and i am back too!

Cool. i went to play bball wif the gang once again. been one plus month not joining them liao.. glad i still can run ard,though feels tired and exhausted. and played for 3 hours before heading to bedok library to kill time for another 3 hours, just becos i am waiting for Kester to return! he returned yeah.. and we will play bball again. i went to airport wif sniper leong and we meet up wif CG and kiat and kuang .. haha we make those letterings last min, and waited at the arrival hall.. and when we see him we formed his name in order(each holding one or 2 of his name's letter). kinda mad.. but fun lar.. and took pic wif him too. then he went home straight wif his parents.
Now misty is doing sth behind my back.. and she is so secretive about what she is doing. hmm what is she up to? hmm.. nvm that is for me to know, for u to find out.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Wake up super early at 545am.. and stay awake to review some old songs. Indeed, the effort pays off.. digs out some Mandopop songs which i have faded memories of them. realised i am enjoying Kit Chan(陈洁仪)'s songs. A few years back i realli dun like her songs, but maybe taste changes with time.
got a sudden feeling that i am very shallow when i woke up, quite sadden by that.least will i expect myself to critise myself. haiz.. CHOI.. so early cant tan4 qi4. now is onli 8 plus..nothing to do liao. read finish paper le.. and wat is there to do? anyway, i had the idea of popping out some money to cut a single myself. around less than 150 is enuff.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I look old?

Went to meet Jun ting to play bball in Temasek Poly.. and before CG came, we played bball with the students there. and after the game, a student tot i am a lecturer there.. cos i was damn friendly wif them. and that makes me wonder.. esp a few days ago a teenage insulted me by calling me uncle after a bball game. and rite after that we went to play table tennis wif JT's ex classmates. and all of them r younger than us. and another guy asked me whether am i a teacher. whaha. damn shiok. dun know lei, but like the feeling that ppl r respecting me whereever i go in the poly..
anyway right before i reached TP, witnessed a minor accident where a bike skidded and so me and another guy went up to help that guy. and we both offered tissue to him before we left cos he seems ok but was bleeding onli.. wah lau.. he lucky that no car is ard when he skidded lor.. else i dun dare to see the consequence too.
and we went to CS to jalan before me and CG went to blk oppo stadium to watch Tampines Rovers vs Sinchi. and cos we were very far from the score board, CG told me Tampines is down by 1 is to 0 and i believed him(actualli it is 4 vs 1) . then we analyse that match assuming tampines is trying to catch a draw. so paiseh.. the uncles beside us dunno wat the heck we r talking abt cos tampines is 4 - 1 up by that moment.. and we r still discussing how tampines is going to capture a point. then they all left(cos no way sinchi is going to catch back) and we were the onli ones left.. all the way till the end. anyway, u might wonder why we didnt know the score.. cos we came to watch at ard the 60th min onli. after which CG accompanied me to walk back before he bike his way home. my mum always think CG is a valuable and precious friend that i had.. so she always tell me to cherish this fren.. dun head become big and be blown away. CG.
just now watched the jue dui superstar thingy.. think the judge hor.. some dun even qualify as judges lor.. give stupid comments which r useless.. more of like personal attacks on the contestants.
anyway tml is going to katong to play lan wif hanlip cg and chiqiang.


Todae's morning was busy wif my personal stuffs, but became very free in the afternoon and so take a brief walk at Bugis. Then got the idea of gg to mink's hse to play mahjong, so called up 2 other ppl to go. But in the end, Han Lip didnt go cos he complained the distance and he loves his bed and com. xin is in a whirl today, very very blur, but still manage to find her way to mink's hse at 5 plus. i was there at her hse at ard 2 plus, so watched Ms Congeniality 2 at her place. and coincidentally ting ting also came to her place so it is a 4 people session in the end.
Oh i tried the famous Rochor beancurd today. but then if u wan a standard ans, i will say:"it is nice!"(copies HL's conversation wif CG, me and LJ) if u wan an honest ans, i will say:"No diff mah." but it is cheaper by 10 cents than normal ones lar. haha, maybe it is a bad beancurd day..
and shall not eat too much bean stuff in future, cos heard from news just now saying that it will lower sperm counts, ahemm though it most likely will affect me very little, but better to be safe than sorry . i wan my father's day too.
yestaerday went ECP, but before that was lanning wif HL CG and WX at katong. wah i must say i enjoy winning hahahahaha(hope HL and WX dun mind. freedom of speech, rem?)
and then went to ride bike wif the guys. the 6 of us wayang in front of the bike store uncle for a bargain.. but in the end think also gain not much. 3 dollars for 2 hours. and so CQ, CG, HL , WX , LJ and me started biking.. biking , biking, and it started to drizzle. What the rain lar. came at the wrong time AGAIN but we continue nevertheless. and that is fate. i am destined to meet the boy. and we quarrelled, ok lar or shall i say we r just bickering, of cos lar u all will definitely say that he is a kid, so i shld let him. but hor, if u know that before he left, he left behind some profound idioms in Hokkein , then u will pity me.. ok lar although i was kiddish enuff to get into the word war, but think that this kid is realli too much. not say i wan to say, rude and sucky + unreasonable small kid will grows up into arrogant , sucky + horrible, shitty,...... adult, and so their offsprings will take the path their parents took when they were young, and wat can u see in future generations? a cold and heartless society ruled by those people( based on the assumption that all kids nowadays are like this). However hor, we all shld be at least happy that the number of bad kids make a small no today, but u see , the rising trend should be of our immediate concern. enuff of craps, and Wo he zhou gong you ge yue hui.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Finalli gotten the song "Lao Shu Ai Da Mi".. realli lazi to dl it fr website.. so ask Aloy to send me..

although i always heard of the saying "happiness comes with contentment", but then i cant realli think of a good analogy, and today i came out wif this.. --hehe, for eg:if u r eating a prata yet is yearning for a kueh lapis at the same time, u cant get the best out of the food. but if u just focus on enjoying the food and not think of other unattainable stuff, then u can enjoy the goodness of the food fully. a rubbish tot for a slack time like this.

and mama just came back wif many fishes.. and i like fish, of cos, with no liking for many meat from four-legged animals, ducks, exotic animals and now chicken is becoming a little of my dislike--a result of birds appr course-- and so i asked her how she got so many fishes at a time such as 9pm. and she said that these fishes came from her fren's husband who went to fish. and as he got a lot of the fishes and so decides to give to mama. and upon further asking, i realised that he got those fishes from kallang river.. at first tot i am satisfied wif the source.. but thinking back, isnt that the river where the disposal of the body parts of the victim in the much reported murder case occurs? OMG.. i better not think further like how the fish feed on the micro-organisms and such blah blah.. or else i will not be eating the fish the next few days..

ok lar.. u all better dun think too much too.. u see river water flows seawards, and sea water flow towards ocean.. and that is where most of our fishes are caught.. and so everyone is eating fish from possibly the same source.. oops.. better stop this issue here.

and know what? tomolo is monday.. and i am looking towards to sch reopening soon. so sian at home.. hope sch reopens in 2 weeks' time. that will be ideal. argg.. who will hiam too much slacking time right.. but i hiam cos i dun haf a job mah.. so bo liao at home.. go jalan , yah will helps to kill time, but singapore is so small.. and wif not much $$, u also cant do much in SG.. so might as well go sch right.. can see new faces soon. yah rite-- dun think waywards-- just joking onli lar

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sick but sure will get well.

Recently has fallen very sick but i am sure i will get well soon. Been feeling dizzy ever since wednesday. and just see a doctor today(my bro accompanied me) and got some medicine for dizziness. And becos of that , didnt go out much these days.. except yesterday i went to Geylang. =)
and 9 of us went, and had dinner in an alley before we went to sight seeing. see a lot of things there.. but due to my dizziness i went back earlier. arghh feeling dizzy again.. shall stop here..

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pain till cannot sleep

pasted the tiger balm plaster on my sore shoulder muscle.. and that is it..very cooling due to the methanol at first. but the pain came in about 5 hours when i am going to zzz. the pain is so unbearable, it is those type of pain which seeps through the flesh and resides on the bone. i feel like my teeth r grinded down by quite a lot.. and as i couldnt sleep, i stayed awake till ard 630 when mum woke up to get ready to go to work. and i read the newspaper(oh the world record of 100m men is broken by 0.01s again--9.77s) and went to take a comfy bath before sleeping with my head being very heavy. and i snooze till ard 1pm--and yeah Zuyao asked us to go Geylang enjoy tmr(haha), so guys u all wan to go? i agreed liao. anyway it is a friday mah. so work and sch can put aside and we go on the eating spree again!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Got my timetable today.. yeah.. Monday would be a free day for me.. for now lar.. depends on my PE though. but 90% is a four days week. and friday is onli a 2 hr day.. so slack.. haha. but the tues-thurs r damn siong.. staying in sch till ard 8pm average..
my neck recovered a little.. but still cant turn my head ard freely.. so i am like a robot now.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Seriously, this time i am realli injured.. i cant turn my neck now.. and every movement comes wif pain.. cant breathe too hard. The trisep muscles r so sore.. the injury is caused when that time i carried the bike upstairs.. confirm!
Today had a quarrel wif mama again. i am in bad mood cos of the pain in my neck. so sorry, mama.
Btw, tomolo got to choose the time slot.. wish me luck!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sucky me.

Maybe a lot of ppl dun realise i got a very bad temper. onli those closer frens knew that. and i am much more tolerant towards frens than towards family. and that puzzled me.. until i read an article which said that, cos one is more intimate wif his family, thus he is more inclined to be less tolerant towards his family. and sadly, recently, maybe it is becos of the bad weather. maybe it is becos of my bad aches.. thus i exploded more frequently.and i also treated my frens more shabbily.. though i didnt explode in front of them. very sorrie to them. T_T

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Cycling! Love it ! Love it!

Today, after my mum cleared and cleaned up the hse(she is simply ultra-capable) almost all by her self.. i went to meet up wif CG, Hanlip and Andy for cycling(was planned onli in the afternoon). was kind of sudden, so a lot of communication breakdown occur. but in the end, we ended up in Hanlip's hse(i cycled all the way to Bedok wif Andy) and meet up wif the rest. rested at HL hse for a while and get the bikes repaired before we cycled to Sheng Siong at Reservoir Rd. Then we U turn to Tampines.. cycles all the way to TPJC. Then proceeded to Loyang Drive. and went up the slope of Bus service 29. Surprised to know that 29 took that Ulu route, though my Papa drove 29 for almost 10 odd years. So we all headed to the LONG LONG stretch of route heading towards Changi Airbase. On the way, we turned to the Airbase's guard hse, and CG saw his frens in the guard rm. haha. then we continued all the towards to the Changi Village. Seriously, first time getting there. went to makan in the famous hawker there. Ate the Nasi Lemak. Yummy. Damn shiok.. and took some pics as proof of being there.. haha.. but too bad.. we were too late le.. 11 plus pm then(we set off at ard 8 plus pm) so didnt go see those ladyboys. (i also scared that of we cycled along that route, one might come and pull me) so we rested a while before heading back . there is a weird block of flat on the way(along the Long route). before reaching CV , already see that le.. seems like a mini geylang. saw a lot of gers wif perfect figures and men walking ard..hmm.. haha. not sure... maybe it is not .. and the whole cycling lasted a grand total of 4 hours. haha. so tired .. leg pain.. and bottom pain.. tomolo still going to kick soccer.. so must realli rest well later..

Saturday, June 11, 2005


My hse kitchen cabinet changed its skin, after 20 yrs.. finalli.
Later most prob cycling from tampines to changi village wif CG HL and Andy. kind of excited..

Friday, June 10, 2005

Badminton..tired and breathless

Went for badminton today. MingJie and CG tire me out from their distributive shots.. and oops.. hit Kaixin accidentalli today=( very sorrie.. and got the 1st keychain from her too. will be receiving more from others soon.
My sis been doing this coffee bean job recentli.. always think she is a capable ger. this is also becos she never fail to impress me.. from joining band w/o musical backgrd , to getting top in her poly course and even to entering NTU computing engineering next yr.. and now doing this CB job which is realli very very tough.. hmm.. doubt i can do that. hope she can read this, feel weird telling her in her face.. :)

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Today went to East Coast Beach and after which i headed to PP. Met Jean, Carol, Rebacca and Aloysius for lunch before going to KBox KTV. Midway, Jean's bf came and we sang from 2pm to almost 9pm. haha. sang till i almost lost my voice. but was kind of fun. Plan to meet up next next week. And tomolo's meeting S21 for badminton(long awaited) and may go for LAN after that. slack day ahead!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Exam over.. deja vu?

No! it is not. and yes it is over.. no stress.. just a very relaxing mod.. like it though.. sad that it is ending.. cos i have made frens there..and todae went to Tiong Bahru(?) or is it Tanjong Pagar. Long time since i have visited that place.. rem always play bball there and always almost got into fights. btw, this time went there is to have dinner wif course mates. and again we watched movie. HAHA.. watched this funny horror(?) or thriller movie. called CURSE. orh.. Zewei, Yuhan and Lucy said that the show is ok/not bad.. but i think it is quite lame.. haha.. and crappy(but entertaining lar). maybe i dun know much abt manwolves.. so i just think everything is funnie. expected it to be horror movie though. but then was funnie, suitable for all ages, except the kissing scenes.
i dislike kissing scenes involving those facial expression which is very suggestive. feel uncomfortable when wif frens watching. so can say i am conservative or wat ever. but i just dun like lar.. tomolo is going to parkway wif Jean and Aloy and Jean's 2 sisters. but in morning got to go do sth . ok lar.. anyone who can help me make a counter for this blog? heee can see how many people come mah.. i will put in credits for that person. hey chance for u all to earn karma/brownie(?) points.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Went cycling wif CG todae, tired but fun. too bad Hk couldnt join us. Get a bike quick! haha. anyway, damn lazy to blog nowadays. haha. Oh yar, the SCV is broadcasting Starmovie for a month FOC. and tonite got Hitch(heard from CG). heee.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


back! and cleared a lot of stuffs after reaching home. had a great time wif the people there. and seems like i like to mix ard wif army guys. cos can chat wif different grps of frens there. and wilson drove us home again. thanks!
and on his car, me ngai kay and andy wok abt good old army days. sometimes, i will miss the times when we r in army. but i dun wish to go back lar. aberden..
and the reservist is a Super Slack Low key one, but i still feel that it is siong. i dun know how high key will be like.. *bai4 bai4*
and of cos reservist exposed me to alot of new things. and i mean A LOT.
and tomolo i cant join kwong they all for bball again..but will be meeting the WC3 guys at katong. hmm. exam is coming le.and wat to do? didnt start early.and dun realli care. sux.ok lar. cant realli type much here.. cos i need to zzzz . been deprived of sleep recently.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Today came back again. and today an officer came to tok to us.. and he somehow misled us that if we didnt take any ippt test within the ICT, the ICT would be defaulted, meaning not counted. but upon asking him to clarify that, phew.. he said that those wif valid and approved medical certs will not be defaulted even if he didnt do any ippt test. and i am relieved, cos i cant do any ippt due to my arm injury, and luckily i got an endorsed MC today. so after all, i am at least not deprived of my 1st ICT. But my arm still hurts. sigh. it is bad luck in this sense. but then, soon i am gonna be out !