Saturday, June 04, 2005


back! and cleared a lot of stuffs after reaching home. had a great time wif the people there. and seems like i like to mix ard wif army guys. cos can chat wif different grps of frens there. and wilson drove us home again. thanks!
and on his car, me ngai kay and andy wok abt good old army days. sometimes, i will miss the times when we r in army. but i dun wish to go back lar. aberden..
and the reservist is a Super Slack Low key one, but i still feel that it is siong. i dun know how high key will be like.. *bai4 bai4*
and of cos reservist exposed me to alot of new things. and i mean A LOT.
and tomolo i cant join kwong they all for bball again..but will be meeting the WC3 guys at katong. hmm. exam is coming le.and wat to do? didnt start early.and dun realli care. sux.ok lar. cant realli type much here.. cos i need to zzzz . been deprived of sleep recently.


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