Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stress TiLL the MAX

SUCKS... This is the first time ever that towards end of exam.. the stress level will increase exponentially. MY RC!! SHIT! no time to study and just finish the 1 piece A4 paper... and realised i wasted a lot of time on that!.. shld just do the past yr paper! SHIT.. RC still can pass ba.. but steel is a day after! I have 4-5 tuts untouched.. and that is it.. i am dead.. no time for it... But i am going go for it and score a pass! NO WAY A FAIL! AT LEAST A C!

i am comtemplating an idea just now.. i knew i dun like to entertain the idea.. but it was so tempting... and so i decided to contact 2 ppl. One is a guy in CEE(cannot name him) another is YangShan. Wan to get their suggestions... and luckily i got thru YangShan first though i smsed that guy first.. and in my heart i knew i would like to follow my intention and not that idea.. and YangShan's encouragement helped me further cement the intention. I WILL NOT ESCAPE!! Hmm.. I realli feel scared now.. after the decision.. but i am sure i can get over with it.. DUN WAN TO BE INFLUENCED BY OTHERS!!I DUN WAN TO HAVE SUCH AN ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE!! ESCAPE when there is trouble? IS THAT MY STYLE!? eh.... sometimes will la.. but if i escaped i will feel v bad and guilty.. so this time i die die also wont escape. Dun ask me what is it.. go ask Yangshan.. heeeee... i need to pray now.. for my papers..

Ok.. saw Mr Zi yesterday. He still recog me though i am just an othello game clasher.. haha.. and just came back... and i saw this young lady skating at night on the road(12 midnight) .. whao.. she was hot la.. but i think was v cool.. i mean city skating alone lei.. dangerous since she is damn hot.. but think is enjoyable! imagine listening to the song while gliding thru the night lights, under the starry sky, cool night breeze brushes against your oil-ess skin( no sun!) whao muz be v nice.. just like last time i went night cycling.. heee.. cool sia.. but now i feel scared... cos the papers r in a couple of hrs later!! HELP!! I MUST PRAY AND HUG THE BUDDHA'S LEG LIAO.. SEE U ALL. Remember to wish me good luck!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Realised i am a terrible person.. easily get affected. AH>>>! HATE MYSELF!!

ok.. tml pray hard no mob.. i mean today.. haha past 12midnight.

ok.. study hard.. dun break ur parents' hearts.

ok.. i realli need to go liao..need to study..

and one last thing.. ... .... .... nothing =) take care

Friday, November 24, 2006


Now everything just passed the mid-span. left 3 more. gear somehow spoilt. sometime can go fast.. sometime cant. call to order!! must operate at gear 4 at least no matter wat! else will incur 3 demerit points or fine $50.

Today was shag day. real shag.. dunno what happened to me.. whenever there is paper.. my stomach will run..i mean churn.. and today wilson and me reached sch at ard 840 and i immediately rushed for the toilet.. and i told him to go to the hall himself.. cos i scared tt he will be late cos of me. and on the way rushing in saw lihui.. v v qiao these days.. always see her right before gg for papers.

Took wilson's car with joseph and jinrong to JP. ate KFC there... and saw junzhao and his gf in person finalli! haha.. no more hiding..

and joseph lost his debit card after he deposited his money. he had forgotten to retrieve the card after transaction. and so we had to go thru the hassle to report loss and wait for him for his new card. after which took train with jo back home. then chat a lot on the way. he voiced his view of an issue which someone voiced out too.. me myself also felt so.. and others do feel the same too.. even mansze agred with me after discussing last time.. can confirm that it is true. Nothing can run from the eyes..

and Brave Fren.. hope u r feeling better now sia... let go when the time is ripe. Let time do the healing.. what am i talking abt?!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


if u guys go to the bball forum.. can see my XXX super unsensored pics...thanks ah.. kes.. LOL

ok exam period.. hmmm.. i am rushing for many papers.. hmm.. take things as they come.

well, exams aside.. today is first day of mobilisation. i can say this mob came at the wrong time.. my exam period! Sian.. but no choice... pray hard no mob...

just came back from airport. studied there from afternoon, and yvonne coincidentally asked me to meet at airport to ask sth.. so stayed till night time. eh.. realised airport is a place of distraction... so many nice looking ladies... there is this jap girl who is so trendy and pretty who makes people's heads turn! and there is this beautiful lady who spilt her drink and can see guys volunteering to help her! LOL.. and there is girl who reminds me of a Snow White and Hebe hybrid. Last and not least, a girl whose figure is so hot for such a young age.. from behind she seems like the old guy's mistress... but when she turned ard, can see that she is still a kid.

huaaaaaa.. ok.. enuff of such news.. i am just trying to boost my web page's viewship ok la. PEOPLE, WISH ME ALL THE BEST FOR THE COMING PAPERS! JIAYOU!KANBATTE!MAJULA!ONWARD!

Friday, November 17, 2006

I shine for the world.. of lovers?

Oh.. hohoho ... 2nd paper completed. So happy. SHIOK!!

Haha.. and after the paper, went me weikang joseph and jinrong took wilson's car to JE, where everyone left except me.. cos i wanna eat lunch and since wilson and rachel r having lunch, i might as well tag along. Went to his country club eat .. ordered seafood pasta for myself. eh... i find the attitude of the staff that not like those of restaurants'. hmm.. and after that wilson and rachel went to sentosa to book sth and they dropped me at vivocity. so i walked ard this new mall which is v big and nice... and there is a lot of ppl though it is a weekday afternoon! and afterwhich wilson came back to fetch me and we went to suntec together. And they went for the motorcar exhibition while i went off to walk ard a while then went home. before that .. omg... met joseph and esther and i feel like a light bulb for today. keep bumping into couples. well, spore small ma.. so no place for a big person like me.. i mean literally BIG!! Sian.. not many ppl online now... haha shall wait a while.. if not i go sleep.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The first paper is a disappointment. As in a disappointment to my self. I cant face my old self. this old self had worked hard and achieved good results.. but the new self isnt motivated to contd what his dear fren had left behind. And that may even erase what the old self had achieved. The new self knew that. Heard that. But he couldnt feel.. couldnt feel the urgency to carry on what the old self had left him to accomplish before he is gone. But the new self and the old self r frens yet they r contradicting. Old self is hardworking but is too stressed up.. new self is not as hardworking, is kind of lazy but he is a happier soul.. ya.. new self cant achieve much, unlike old self.. but cos the soul needs a break.. and so new self is in charge of the body. The soul feels weak. But now... the soul feels that new self isnt fulfilling what it wanted. Yes! he made the soul more relaxed, happier.. but he doesnt make the soul proud. Old self is gone. How to ask him back to work for Soul. Maybe we have to make do with new self. Hope he can get the feeling and wake up his fucking idea. FUCKING IDEA. WAKE UP. bloody piece of damn shit. Ok, what was that.... for goodness sake.. new self u better get off the comp and now get some rest and contd with the structure 2 revision tml! Bloody hell, wan me to keep ur ass huh!? Still not get going?
Soul still will be having a hard time disciplining the new self.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh pls! let me have the motivation to study hard can!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Studied at airport with mantou today.. ended chatting abt the past for half of the time.. oops , so sorry abt that, got too carried away! Anyway, felt that the time for exam preparation is getting so limited... sian...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fun weekend. yesterday had ma la steamboat with Zj, Lena, Joseph and their fren JJ. and went for desserts after which.

Today was exciting for me.. Bball!! Had a great time with the guys...! And morning met Meijun and Shimin on the way to Bedok. So qiao.

Yup. Tired now.. sleeping soon. Dun feel like typing le.. Exam times is a test of endurance.. not entirely a test of knowledge. All the best to u all!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

today was a tiring and stressful day. Met Mansze and huamin to get the new laptop at 8 flag. A rather small laptop, i am also soon to get a laptop for the final year project. Met Ben on the way too.
And after which went KFC to sit ard before gg back. And oh ya at lib met YongLing.. and realised that she and Ben got into the same IA company. She said tt onli 2 ppl r employed. ahhaha.. wah... so qiao.. and both of them r unattached. Let me predict. They will be couple after half a year. Cos they will be close frens and makan buddy... and so hehe can develop easier.

Ok la.. me thinking too far. And her frens i had seen for the past years in the lib said they felt i am a v hardworking person. Ok, that is a compliment. but they never realised i am day-dreaming sometimes.

Ok, later will have to study liao. And oh ya.. the 4-D i rarely buy didnt win any prize.. but it is ok! I had fun hoping and waiting for the drawing date.