Wednesday, September 20, 2006


V tired after 3 weeks of consecutive quiz weeks. Today mark a break for me.. at least for a week.. before i take on more quizzes after the break. Anyway, nowadays.. there r so many happenings going on in some region of Asia. Thailand , there is military coup. In Taiwan, there is the 'dao bian ting bian' issue , just to name a few. Eh, and there is a bombing recently too. seemed like unrests r prevailing these days.

Anyway, on the lighter side, i encountered a heartwarming incident at library today. There is this TJC student who was at a table studying and when i went to sat at the table she is occupying, she greeted me with a smile. and before i left, she was v polite too.. The polite gestures made my day certainly, since everyday i onli see strangers who gave me that"U OWE ME $$ look", which i am also guilty of.. cos of work stress!


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